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Establish the essential data bank of environmental engineers and build up an environmental engineers visa checking assignment standard

The project is aim to build up a standard of visa check, carry out a faultless checking measure and to establish the essential data for engineers; to enforce items including, build up an environmental engineers visa checking assignment standard, to enforce the view of scene assignment and to establish the essential data bank of environmental engineers. As the result of the view of scene account there are 5 visa reports of “The air pollutant site permission” to be deficient, includes 3 of imperfect enterprise units and 2cases have different between the fact and the report . The deficient items includes emission pipeline, type of pollutants, a plane configure sketch, type of fuel, and a field storage tank. “water pollution prevention and cure measure permission” visa report counts that there are 18 cases(7of imperfect enterprise units and11 cases have different between the fact and the report) to be deficient. The deficient items includes waste water and sludge treatment facilities flow chart (5 cases), sludge handle mode (2 cases), water treatment recover and flow meter (2 cases), total waste water designed measure (1case), a medicament use quantities (1case) sludge store mode, sludge clean up mode (1case), enterprise plane configure sketch (1case) and set up discharge placard (1case). As the result, the waste water and sludge treatment facilities flow chart has the highest rate of deficient, which is caused by the difference between the flow path and the scene, unknown pipe connection, and enterprises establish the handle unit. Oncoming can enhance to establish of the data bank other detail function, at the same time, continuing the update process, maintained and management of the data bank that give it to provide more service and provide the latest, correct, complete and abundant engineer information and move the environmental engineer management system toward the perfect confines.
environmental engineers,the essential data bank of environmental engineers